Sleek & Beautiful
Sleek & Beautiful


XVIII Intelligent Agents and Systems Workshop (WASI) XVIII Distributed and Parallel Processing Workshop (WPDP) XVI Computer Technology Applied to Education Workshop (WTIAE) XV Computer Graphics, Images and Visualization Workshop (WCGIV) XIV Software Engineering Workshop (WIS) XIV Database and Data Mining Workshop (WBDDM) XII Architecture, Nets and Operating Systems Workshop (WARSO) IX Innovation in Software Systems Workshop (WISS) VIII Signal Processing and Real-Time Systems Workshop (WPSTR) VI Computer Security Workshop (WSI) VI Innovation in Computer Science Education (WIEI)

Sleek & Beautiful

School of Computer Science

The aim of the International School of Computer Science is to run courses for advanced students from universities which are part of the network, undergraduates and posgraduates from other institutions, and also for professionals. Courses regarding Computer Science discipline as well as supplementary topics that are part of the syllabus of the Computer Science faculties around the country will be run.

Sleek & Beautiful

Conferences and sessions

Conferences and sessions with academic members and professionals regarding the subject matter will be held